Platform SDK: Exchange Server


The Map object represents the process map used to execute and track a particular process instance. There must be a default map in every routing-enabled folder. The default map for a folder is stored in a hidden (folder-associated) message in the folder. This message is part of the event binding that is used to register the routing engine as an event handler in that folder. The EntryID of this message is obtained from the Binding.EntryID property. The OpenMap and SaveMap methods take this message as an argument.

A Map is a top-level object and can be created independently. This means that you can place a map on a message, and it will override the default map of the monitored folder. The first step in installing or modifying a Map object is to set its Message property to a valid CDO Message object. All other manipulations of the Map object should only occur after the Message is bound to this property. Failure to do so will result in an exception being thrown when methods or properties are accessed on the Map object.

Also see About Process Maps and Enabling a Folder for Routing for more information about maps.

Note  Calling the SaveMap function does not automatically cause the map to be saved. You must modify at least one other CDO property in order for a subsequent Message.Update statement to successfully save the map.

Property Type Access
ActivityCount Long Read-only
Message CDOMessage Read/write

Methods Parameters  
CopyTo [in] Target as Message
DeleteActivity [in] ActivityID as Long
DeleteMap (none)
GetActivity [in] ActivityID as Long

[out] Row as Row

[out] RowNo as Variant

GetRow [in] RowNo as Long

[out] Row as Row

InsertActivity [in] RowAfter as Long

[in] Source as Row

OpenMap [in] eMode as Long (0 = read-only, other = read/write)
SaveMap (none)