Platform SDK: Exchange Server


The WorkItem object represents the data to be routed or approved. It is typically posted or mailed to the application folder in order to start a process. This object is essentially a CDO Message object, wrapped with additional interfaces for correlation and consolidation. In general, most user-level applications do not need to explicitly call the methods of WorkItem. The routing engine automatically handles item correlation in most cases, and the default VBScript action Consolidate can be used to consolidate response properties back onto the original message for tracking purposes.

For script programmers, use WorkItem to take advantage of the EmbedMsg method, which allows you to embed a WorkItem object into a CDO message (note that CDO 1.2 currently does not support the direct creation of embedded messages).

Property Type Access
Item Message Read/write

Methods Parameters
ItemCorrelate [in] SetPropertyID as Long
[in] Folder as Folder
[out] Target as Message
ItemConsolidate [in] PropertyList as Array of Long
[in] SourceMessage as Message
[in] Append as Boolean
EmbedMsg [in] Item as Message