Platform SDK: Exchange Server

Using the MS_EXCHANGE_01 Property

When a user of the Microsoft Exchange Client opens a message, the form that displays the message must open it properly and display correct values in its controls. Forms created by the Microsoft Exchange Forms Designer use the MS_EXCHANGE_01 property to perform these actions.

Note  The MS_EXCHANGE_01 property is a named property, and as such does not appear in any Microsoft Exchange Server header file. For more information on named properties, see the MAPI Programmer's Reference.

The first time a message is opened by a form, the MS_EXCHANGE_01 property is not present. In this situation, the form initializes the values of the controls it displays on the message and does not attempt to read any property values to display in those controls.

When saving a new message, the form must create this property and set its value to FALSE (zero) or TRUE (nonzero). If the property is set to FALSE, the message will be treated as a Response form when it is opened. This means that values to be displayed in the message's controls are initialized, and certain properties present on the original message are read and displayed.

If the MS_EXCHANGE_01 property is set to TRUE, the message is treated as a Send form when it is opened. This means that the properties of the original message are simply read and displayed.

These actions are summarized in the following table:

How Forms Use the MS_EXCHANGE_01 Property

Value of MS_EXCHANGE_01 Method of Opening Message Initialize values? Read Properties?
empty Create new
(Send form)
yes no
TRUE Read no yes
FALSE Create new
(Response form)
yes yes

The MS_EXCHANGE_01 property is also used with the FIMPORT sample application, which allows users to save items to folders and ensure their correct behavior with the Forms Designer. Use the /EFD switch to create the MS_EXCHANGE_01 property and set it to TRUE on each new message; use /NOEFD to forego the creation of this property. For more information, see FIMPORT: Importing Folder Information.

For more information on designing forms and setting properties on them, see the Microsoft Exchange Server Application Designer's Guide.