Platform SDK: Exchange Server


The HrInstallAdminExtension function loads an Admin-Extension object into a site.

Quick Info

Header file: EXCHINST.H

HRESULT HrInstallAdminExtension(
  LPSTR lpszServer,      
  LPSTR lpszSiteDN,      
  LPSTR lpszDisplayName, 
  LPSTR lpszCommonName,  
  DWORD i,               
  DWORD dwFileVersionLS, 
  LPSTR lpszExtensionDLL,  
  LPSTR lpszMachineType  


Input parameter. Points to a null-terminated string (with a maximum length of 256 characters) that contains the name of the server where the Admin-Extension object is installed.
Input parameter. Points to a null-terminated string (with a maximum length of 256 characters) that contains the distinguished name (DN) of the site where the Admin-Extension object is installed.
Input parameter. Points to a null-terminated string (with a maximum length of 256 characters) that contains the name of the Admin-Extension object as displayed by the Microsoft Exchange Server Administrator program.

Although the Windows NT service control manager preserves the case of the name that is displayed, comparisons between display names are case-insensitive.

Input parameter. Points to a null-terminated string (with a maximum length of 256 characters) that contains the relative distinguished name (RDN) of the Admin-Extension object. Common names have the following format:


For example, suppose you have an Admin-Extension object called MonNet with an Extension-Name attribute of MonNet. If your platform is Intel, set lpszCommonName to MonNet:i386.

Input parameter. The high-order 32 bits of the file version number.
Input parameter. The low-order 32 bits of the file version number.
Input parameter. Points to a null-terminated string (with a maximum length of 256 characters) that contains the file name of the Administrator extension DLL.
Input parameter. Points to a null-terminated string (with a maximum length of 256 characters) that contains the computer type such as i386.

Return Values

See Return Values.


For more information on this function, see Installing the Administrator Extension DLL.

See Also

HrAdminExtensionExists, HrGetAdminExtensionVersion, HrRemoveAdminExtension