Platform SDK: Exchange Server |
The HrMAPIOpenCachedProp function creates a new (local) MAPI IPropData object where the original object properties are cached.
Header file: | EDKMAPI.H |
Library: | EDKMAPI.LIB |
HRESULT HrMAPIOpenCachedProp( LPMAPIPROP lpObj, LPSPropTagArray lpPropList, ULONG dwFlags, LPPROPDATA FAR * lppCachedObj );
See Return Values.
The local cached version of the source object can be created for reading (for use with HrMAPIGetProp* calls) for for writing (for use with HrMAPISetProp* calls). The purpose of the HrMAPIOpenCachedProp function and HrMAPICloseCachedProp is to reduce the number of remote procedure calls made by the code which performs many HrMAPIGetProp* or HrMAPISetProp* calls on an object.
This function creates a cached object for reading only or writing only. It does not support an object for both reading and writing.
For information on the IMAPIProp and IPropData interfaces, see the MAPI Programmer's Reference.