Platform SDK: Exchange Server


The HrServiceGetArgv function obtains the command line arguments as an array of strings (argv[]).

Quick Info

Header file: WINWRAP.H

HRESULT HrServiceGetArgv(
  DWORD * lpdwArgc,    
  LPTSTR ** lppszArgv  


Output parameter. Points to the number of arguments in the argv[] array.
Output parameter. Points to the array of argument string pointers.

Return Values

See Return Values.


The HrServiceGetArgv function returns the number of arguments in the argv[] array and a pointer to this array. This function can be used by any thread to get the service argv[] after the service of Windows NT Server has been started.

For more information on this function, see the HrServiceGetArgv function in WINWRAP.C under the WINWRAP code sample in Code Samples folder.

For more information on the WINWRAP library, see Using WINWRAP Functions, Mandatory Entry Points and Variables, and Events Signalled.

See Also

fIsService, FServiceReportStatus, HrServiceConfirmStop, HrServiceGetName, HrServiceProcessControl, HrServiceShutdown, HrServiceStartup, HrServiceWaitForContinue, HrServiceWaitForControl, HrServiceWaitForStop, HServiceCreateThread, ServiceMain, ServiceStop