Platform SDK: Exchange Server


client application
An application that employs Microsoft Exchange Server services, offers no services of its own, and is associated with one or more users. A client application may reside on a server or on a user's computer.
client extension
Functionality that is added to the basic Microsoft Exchange Client as an alternative to developing a stand-alone client application. A client extension usually takes the form of an added menu item or button.
Collaboration Data Objects
A set of COM/Automation-compliant classes that provide implementations of MAPI functionality to Automation clients such as scripting languages. This functionality is used to create message-enabled applications for Exchange Server using languages that cannot perform virtual table binding directly, such as VBScript and JScript. The CDO 1.21 library itself is discussed in detail in the Collaboration Data Objects portion of the Platform SDK. This set of classes was formerly referred to as Active Messaging.
Within ICS, a set of methods that imports changes into an information store.
common messaging calls (CMC)
An alternative to MAPI calls for messaging. CMC is a cross-platform messaging function set that enables client applications to be independent of the actual messaging system, operating system, or hardware used.
A software service that allows users at one Microsoft Exchange Server site to connect to users at other Microsoft Exchange Server sites using specific protocols such as X.400, SMTP, and Microsoft Mail. Microsoft Exchange Server includes an Internet connector, a Site Connector for linking two Microsoft Exchange Server sites, and a RAS connector. A connector can perform all the functions of a gateway. See also backboning (backbone).
An object in the Microsoft Exchange Server directory whose main purpose is to hold other objects. Container objects simplify the directory information tree (DIT) structure and avoid name collisions by grouping various objects under different containers.
custom recipient
An address book entry that represents a recipient from a foreign system. A custom recipient is created by the user of a client application with a template supplied by the address book provider. The address of a custom recipient is also referred to as a one-off address.