A hierarchy of values that comprises an X.400 Originator/Recipient Name used for a Microsoft Exchange message address. This hierarchy contains address information including country, organization, common name, and personal name.
named pipe
An inter-process communication mechanism that allows one process to communicate with another local or remote process.
naming context
In the Microsoft Exchange Server DIT, a subtree that starts at one object (the naming context master object) and is bounded by leaf objects or the start of another naming context. Naming contexts affect both inheritance of permissions within the DIT and replication of directory information.
naming context master object
A object that defines the boundaries of a naming context in the Microsoft Exchange Server DIT. The four types of naming contexts are designated NC1, NC2, NC3, and NC4. SeeInheritance of Permissions.
nondelivery report (NDR)
A report sent to the originator of a message to indicate that the message could not be delivered to one or more of its intended recipients.