Platform SDK: Exchange Server

Public Folder Replication

Public folder replication is configured by an administrator through the Microsoft Exchange Server Administrator program. Although you can develop ways to report on the status of public folder replication in your site or organization, programmatic control of replication is limited.

Reporting on Replication

The GetMailboxTable and GetPublicFolderTable members of the IExchangeManageStore interface can be called to return summary information. Each of these methods returns tables.

These functions are the basis of the mailbox and public folder resources pages that appear in the Administrator program. Therefore, the user interface of the Microsoft Exchange Administrator program can help you see what information is available as columns in the tables returned by these functions.

PR_REPLICA_SERVER is a read-only property on an item in a folder. It contains the server name from which the item was replicated. This property may also be useful for reporting on replication.

Controlling Replication

Replica servers can be determined on a per-folder basis by examining the values in the read/write PR_REPLICA_LIST property on the folder. This property contains a list of the distinguished names (DNs) of the servers that are replicating (receiving and sending) the contents of the public folder. Replication for a single folder can be controlled by editing the values of PR_REPLICA_LIST. Changing the values in this property is the only way that replication can be controlled programmatically.

Note  A folder or set of folders can be replicated to only one location in an information store. For example, you can copy a folder into a mailbox and then copy it into the same mailbox again. This produces nearly identical folders, each with its own unique entry identifier. But if you configure or program folders to be replicated, the folders can be replicated to only one location within a given public folder store.