Platform SDK: Exchange Server

Message Properties Indicating Transfer Status

PR_MESSAGE_FLAGS is one of the common message properties that indicate the current state of the message as set by the IMAPIProp::SetProps method (not the IMAPIProp::SaveChanges method). The following table defines the message states represented by the bits of PR_MESSAGE_FLAGS.

Interpretation of PR_MESSAGE_FLAGS Bits

Bit Constant Meaning
0 MSGFLAG_READ If set, indicates that the message has been transferred because the gateway has taken responsibility for the message. Applies only to outgoing messages. This flag is set by calling the IMessage::SetReadFlag method.
1 MSGFLAG_UNMODIFIED If set, indicates that the message has not been modified since being received.
2 MSGFLAG_SUBMIT If set, indicates that the message is marked for transfer to the Microsoft Exchange Server system because the IMessage::SubmitMessage function has been called for this message.
3 MSGFLAG_UNSENT If set, indicates that the message is being created.
4 MSGFLAG_HASATTACH If set, indicates that the message has at least one attachment.
5 – 31   Reserved. Do not change.