Platform SDK: Exchange Server

Message Properties to Show in Folders

You can change the set of properties that are displayed in your gateway’s folder contents table by using the MAPI IMAPITable::SetColumns table function. Refer to the MAPI Programmer’s Reference for details on using this function. A suggested set of properties to display in a folder contents table is shown in the following table.

Suggested Folder Contents Table Properties

Property name Type Description
PR_ARRIVAL_TIME Date/Time Date and time that the message arrived at the gateway.
PR_ENTRYID Binary Entry identifier of the message within the folder.
PR_FOREIGN_REPORT_ID Binary Foreign message identifier of this report. Exists only for reports.
PR_FOREIGN_ID Binary Foreign message identifier of this message. Does not exist for reports.
PR_MESSAGE_CLASS String Message class.
PR_MESSAGE_FLAGS Long Contents of bits 16 – 31 for application use.
PR_MESSAGE_SIZE Long Message size.
PR_MTS_ID Binary MTS-ID of this message. Does not exist for reports.
PR_MTS_REPORT_ID Binary MTS-ID of this report. Exists only for reports.
PR_ORIGINATOR_ NAME String Display name of originator. Does not exist for reports.
PR_PRIORITY Long Message priority. Does not exist for reports.
PR_REPORT_DESTINATION_NAME String Display name of report destination. Exists only for reports.
PR_SEARCH_KEY Binary Message identifier.
PR_SUBJECT String Subject of the message or report.

You can use the MAPI IMAPITable::SortTable function to specify how entries in your gateway’s contents table are to be sorted. You can order the messages in a folder by any property in the folder contents table; for example, priority, arrival time, or size. This is useful if you want to allow Microsoft Exchange Server administrators to prioritize message processing based on particular properties.