Platform SDK: Exchange Server

MAPI Folder Properties

The properties listed in the following table are declared by MAPI in the MAPITAGS.H file. They are all read-only properties. For a list of required MAPI folder properties, see the table that follows this one.

MAPI Folder Properties

Property Designation Description
PR_ACCESS Contains a bitmask of flags indicating the operations the client application can perform on the open object.
PR_ACCESS_LEVEL Contains a bitmask of flags indicating the level at which the client application can access the open object.
PR_ASSOC_CONTENT_COUNT Contains the count of items in the associated contents folder.
PR_CONTENT_COUNT Contains the number of entries in a container, as computed by the information store.
PR_CONTENT_UNREAD Contains a count of unread messages in a folder.
PR_DISPLAY_TYPE Contains a value used to associate an icon with a particular row of a table.
PR_ENTRYID Contains a MAPI entry identifier used to open and edit properties of a particular MAPI object.
PR_FOLDER_TYPE Contains a constant that indicates the folder type.
PR_MAPPING_SIGNATURE Contains the mapping signature for named properties of a particular MAPI object.
PR_MDB_PROVIDER Contains a provider-defined identifier that indicates the type of the information store.
PR_MESSAGE_SIZE Contains the sum in bytes of the sizes of all properties on a message object.
PR_OBJECT_TYPE Contains the type of an object.
PR_PARENT_ENTRYID Contains the entry identifier of the folder containing a folder or message.
PR_RECORD_KEY Contains a unique binary-comparable identifier for a specific object.
PR_SEARCH_KEY Contains a binary-comparable key that identifies correlated objects for a search.
PR_STORE_ENTRYID Contains the unique entry identifier of the information store in which an object resides.
PR_STORE_RECORD_KEY Contains the unique binary-comparable identifier (record key) of the information store in which an object resides.
PR_SUBFOLDERS Contains TRUE if a folder contains subfolders.

The following folder properties are declared by MAPI, and are required. See Required and Optional Message Properties.

Required Folder Properties

PR_ENTRYID Read-only