Platform SDK: Exchange Server


The PR_EMS_AB_NT_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR property contains the Windows NT access rights for this object.

Quick Info

Header file: EMSABTAG.H
Applies to: Mailbox objects (directory objects). These objects appear to MAPI as messaging_user objects, which are accessible through the MAPI IMailUser interface.
Identifier: 0x8013
Property type: PT_BINARY
Access: Read/write


Minimum length
Maximum length


The PR_EMS_AB_NT_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR and PR_EMS_AB_ASSOC_NT_ACCOUNT properties are used by Administrator program components to associate between a mailbox and an Windows NT account. For example, if you have selected the option to delete Windows NT accounts when a mailbox is deleted, then this is the Windows NT account that will be deleted.

The PR_EMS_AB_NT_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR property is in the form of Windows NT Security Descriptor."

See Also