Platform SDK: Exchange Server


The PR_RULES_TABLE property contains a table with all rules applied to a folder.

Quick Info

Header file: EDKMDB.H
Applies to: Folder objects (information store objects)
Identifier: 0x3fe1
Property type: PT_OBJECT
Access: Read-only


The PR_RULES_TABLE property is present on all folder objects that have rules. Values included in this property are used for reading and modifying rules. You can use the IMAPIProp::OpenProperty method to obtain an IExchangeModifyTable interface to the rules table on a folder. You can use this interface to read and modify those rules. This call and the interface are demonstrated in the \BKOFFICE\SAMPLES\EXCHANGE\LIBSRC\RULECLS\RULECLSF.CPP source file.

See Also

IExchangeModifyTable, PR_RULES_DATA, Working with Rules