Platform SDK: Exchange Server


The PR_MESSAGE_SIZE_EXTENDED property contains the sum (in bytes) of the sizes of all properties on a message object.

Quick Info

Header file: EDKMDB.H
Applies to: Folder and mailbox objects (information store objects)
Identifier: 0x0e08
Property type: PT_I8
Access: N/A


The PR_MESSAGE_SIZE_EXTENDED property is an 8-byte version of the MAPI PR_MESSAGE_SIZE property. The message size indicates the approximate number of bytes transferred when the message is moved from one information store to another. Being the sum of the sizes of all the properties on the message object, it is usually considerably greater than the message text alone.

Most information store providers compute the PR_MESSAGE_SIZE_EXTENDED property for messages that they handle. However, some information store providers do not supply this property.

You can use the IMAPIProp::GetProps method to return this value for a folder or mailbox object. You can also ask for this column in the table returned by the IExchangeManageStore::GetPublicFolderTable method.

For information on the PR_MESSAGE_SIZE property and the IMAPIProps::GetProps method, see the MAPI Programmer's Reference.