This section describes the screens that you can encounter while running the DLUpdate sample.
Microsoft Exchange Server Selection
If you set up IIS correctly, this is the first page you see. If the sample is installed on the same machine as Exchange server and Outlook Web Access, this page displays the names of your enterprise, site, and server. Typically these fields are correct, but if they aren't, make the appropriate changes. Once these fields are correct, click Distribution List Maintenance.
Distribution List Maintenance
Use this page to add, modify, or delete a DL.
To add a DL
Click Add.
To Modify a DL
Enter the first few characters of the DL name and click Find. Any DL whose name matches these initial characters is displayed in the Selected Entries box. If no name matches, you get an error popup.
Select the DL you want to modify.
Select Modify.
To Delete a DL
Enter the first few characters of the DL name and click Find. Any DL whose name matches these initial characters is displayed in the Selected Entries box. If no name matches, you get an error popup.
Select the DL you want to delete.
Select Delete.
Select OK to delete the DL.
Add Distribution List
Use this page to add a new DL.
To Add a New DL
Enter the name of the DL and an alias (friendly name) for the DL. These two fields are required.
(Optional) Select Modify to change the owner of the list.
If you want to add members to the DL, click Add.
Add Distribution List Members
Use this page to add members to a DL.
To Add Members to a DL
Enter the first few characters of their name and select Find. Any user whose name matches these initial characters is displayed in the SelectedEntries box. If no name matches, you get an error popup. Note The list of matching members is not sorted.
Select the member or members to add to the DL. You can use the Shift and Control keys as in any selection box.
Select Add Member(s)
Select OK.
Repeat the last three steps as necessary until you've added all the users to the DL.
Select Return to Distribution List Member Maintenance.
Distribution List Properties
Use this page to add or delete members and change the owner of the DL.
To Add a Member to a DL
Select Add.
Enter the first few characters of their name and click Find. Any user whose name matches these initial characters is displayed in the SelectedEntries box. If no name matches, you get an error popup. Note: the list of matching members is not sorted.
Select the member or members to add to the DL. You can use the Shift and Control keys as in any selection box.