You must have the proper software installed on your system to run the samples. You must also configure Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) properly to execute Active Server Pages (ASP) files.
Software Requirements
In order to run this sample, you need the following software installed on the system:
Exchange Server Machine
Windows NT Version 4.0 with Service Pack 4
Exchange Server Version 5.5 with Service Pack 1
Internet Information Server Machine
Internet Information Server Version 4.0 or later
Active Directory Services Interfaces (ADSI) Version 2.0 or later
ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) Version 1.5 or later
AcctCrt COM Component registered on the system.
Internet Explorer Version 4.0 (or other version 4 browser) or later
Registering the AcctCrt COM Component
To register AcctCrt.dll, perform the following steps.
Build it using Visual C++ version 5.0 or later. The source code and Visual Studio projects are available in the Database and Messaging portion of the Platform SDK under Exchange.
Copy the component to the machine on which you're running the sample.
Register the DLL by typing Regsvr32 Acctcrt.dll at a command prompt.
Configuring IIS to Run the Sample
To run the ASP sample, perform the following steps:
Start the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) and open the IIS snap-in (typically located at C:\Winnt\System32\Inetsrv\Iis.msc).
Create a new virtual directory and select an alias. Map a physical directory to the virtual directory that contains the files for the sample. These files are typically located in the C:\mssdk\samples\dbmsg\exchange\DLUpdate directory.
Select the permissions for the virtual directory. You must allow at least script access.
Select the Documents property page, click Enable Default Document. Click Add, and add Logon.asp to the list. When users access http://machine/DLUpdate, they are guided to the logon page.
View the properties for the new virtual directory. Verify that an application with your selected alias is listed under the Application Settings section of the property page. Select Configuration and look in the Application Mappings section to verify that files with the .asp and .asa extensions map to the dynamic link library Asp.dll.
Verify that you have the proper directory security settings under Directory Permissions. You must specify Basic Authentication, NTLM Authentication, or both.
Select Basic Auth if your client applications are going to access the sample across a proxy server, or the Exchange Server you wish to maintain distribution lists for resides on a different machine than IIS, or the client machine does not participate in the NTLM system. You should also run the sample using a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) only, since Basic Authentication sends the credentials in UUEncoded format.
Select NTLM when you want the user's credentials to be provided by the client's browser or requested through a dialog box. You must have the Exchange Server and the IIS server running on the same machine, and you can only administer the distribution lists for that Exchange Server.