Platform SDK: Exchange Server

ADDRINST: Installing an Addr-Type Object

The ADDRINST sample application demonstrates how to install an Addr-Type object in the directory. ADDRINST also installs the proxy generation DLL associated with the object.

Every gateway has an associated address type that corresponds to the address format of the foreign system the gateway serves. This address type is represented by an Addr-Type object pointing to the DLL that generates proxy addresses in the gateway's format.

When the Addr-Type object is created, a mailbox of its type is also created for each user on the server. After ADDRINST is executed on a server, mailboxes for new recipients that are added to the server will be of the new type. For more information, see The Addr-Type Object and Gateway Setup Programs.

ADDRINST can be used to install a new address type or remove an existing one. Functions used by ADDRINST to install a new address type are also used by GWSETUP (the gateway setup program). These functions can be found in the EXCHINST.LIB library.

For usage information, type


at a command prompt.

Note  Each gateway is linked with a single proxy generation DLL for each address type. If you create a new DLL and install it using ADDRINST, it will replace any existing proxy addresses of the selected address type.