Platform SDK: Exchange Server

Exporting Directory Attributes with DSEXPORT

To export directory attributes with DSEXPORT

Note  When exporting a distribution list or a custom recipient, avoid using the /SERVER flag because such objects do not have the Home-Server attribute and cannot be seen if /SERVER is passed.

When you have run DSEXPORT, you will have created an export file that will be stored at the file name indicated. The format of the export file is shown in the following example, which lists exported attributes and information for each recipient.

Obj-Class,First Name,Last name,Display Name,Alias Name,
Directory Name,Primary Windows NT Account,Home-Server,E-mail 
address,E-mail Addresses,Members,Obj-Container,Hide from AB
c=US;a= ;p=Microsoft;o=Allison2;s=3;,,Recipients,
MS:MICROSOFT/JEFFREY2/11%X400:c=US;a= ;p=Microsoft;o=Jeffrey2;s=11;%SMTP:1@EX.COM

In this export operation, fifteen attributes are exported per recipient. In some cases, the attributes contained no values, and are marked by consecutive separators (commas).

All correctly exported files must be in this exact format. For more information about formats, see Formatting DIRSYNC Import and Export Files.

For more information about export and import file formats, see File Formats.