Platform SDK: Exchange Server

Preparing to Run the Sample

Software Requirements

You need the following software installed on the system on which you plan to build the sample:

Configuration Requirements

To run the wizard, you must have a MAPI profile configured for some Exchange Server mailbox in your network. The available folders to monitor using ICS are presented using this profile. For this sample, you must select an Exchange mailbox profile, and not a custom recipient (e.g. Internet E-mail only) profile.

Building and Installing the Wizard

Before using a wizard to create a custom Visual C++ project, you need to build it. Follow the steps in the following list.

  1. Select either the MFC or NTService wizard to build. Open the respective directory, and open the workspace file with Visual C++ 6.0.
  2. Select Build->Build ICSAgent*.awx. The file name will be either ICSAgentNTService.awx (NTService wizard) or ICSAgentWiz.awx (MFC wizard).

The resultant .awx file is automatically copied to your Visual Studio 6.0 Template directory, the location of which is specified with the MSDEVDIR environmental variable. The new wizard will now be available to use to create ICS projects.