Platform SDK: Exchange Server

INSTFORM Syntax and Parameters

  /INSTALL <cfgfile> 
 [/REGISTRY=<valid registry> || /FOLDER=<valid folder path>
  /MSGSTORE=<message store containing this folder>]
 [/PROFILE=<valid profile for logon to registry>
  /PASSWORD=<password for specified profile>]
 [/HELP or /?]


  /REMOVE <msgclass> 
 [/REGISTRY=<valid registry> || /FOLDER=<valid folder path> 
  /MSGSTORE=<message store containing this folder>] 
 [/PROFILE=<valid profile for logon to registry> 
  /PASSWORD=<password for specified profile>]
 [/HELP or /?]

INSTFORM Parameters

Flag Settings
<cfgfile> Specifies file containing information about the form to be installed. Install only.
<msgclass> Specifies message class of the form to be removed from the Windows NT Registry. Remove only.
/INSTALL Specifies install action that installs the specified form in the indicated registry.
/REMOVE Specifies remove action that removes the form with the specified message class from the indicated registry.
/REGISTRY= Specifies which registry to install the form in. Possible values are PERSONAL, LOCAL, FOLDER, and ENTERPRISE.


/REGISTRY=LOCAL does not require /PROFILE.

/REGISTRY=FOLDER requires /FOLDER and /PROFILE. This registry is implied if /FOLDER is used.


/FOLDER= Gives folder path of the registry in which to install the form or from which to delete the form. This flag is required when /REGISTRY = FOLDER. If /FOLDER is used, /REGISTRY need not be stated and will be assumed to be /FOLDER.
/PROFILE= Specifies profile for logging on to the registry. Required (except for local registry).
/PASSWORD= Specifies password of the profile specified by the /PROFILE flag. Not required.
/MSGSTORE= Specifies display name of the information store that contains the folder specified. This flag is only valid with folders. If not specified, the default information store will be used.
/HELP or /? Displays Help information.