Platform SDK: Exchange Server

Populating a Personal Folder Information Store

To populate a personal folder information store using POPPST

  1. Create or modify a POPPST.INI file for the PST you want to create or populate, or use the POPPST.INI file provided with the sample application. For information, see Formatting the POPPST.INI File.
  2. Type POPPST POPPST.INI. You will receive the following progress message:
    Processing <poppst.ini>. Please wait.

    If you supply the name of a recognizable .INI file and the command succeeds, POPPST displays the following success message:

    PST populated successfully.

    Providing the name of a bad .INI file produces the following message:

    ERROR: .INI file bad..INI could not be opened.

    Running POPPST without POPPST.INI (ie. running from \BIN or \WIN32\DEBUG) produces the following error message:

    ERROR: 1 error written to the event log
    (Event Error states: Can't open file poppst..INI)

    An incorrect number of parameters produces this error:

    ERROR:  Parameter error.  Enter POPPST /? for Help.

    An .INI file without BODY.TXT produces the following error and warning messages:

    ERROR: 1 error written to the event log
    WARNING: 1 warning written to the event log
    (Event Error:  Internal program error: function OpenVirtualStreamOnFile(), error code %%-2146762751)
    (Event Warning: Using a temporary profile. No name 
    resolution will be performed)

    Running POPPST without using a valid profile produces the following warning message:

    WARNING: 1 warning written to the event log
    (Event Warning: Using a temporary profile. No name 
    resolution will be performed)

    Using a valid profile with invalid TO, CC, BCC, or FROM user names produces these error messages:

    ERROR: 1 error written to the event log
    Event Error: Could not resolve <field> name <user names> 
    message There are no more files.  ;error code %%-2137221233.

If you have successfully created a new PST, the pstname.PST file will appear in the directory from which the command was run. If you have populated an existing PST, the message should appear in the Inbox.