Platform SDK: Exchange Server

Sample Gateway Installation and Operation

Preliminary Steps

Before you can build and install the applications that make up the gateway sample, you must first build all of the necessary libraries and the relevant samples. Specifically:

  1. Build the Exchange Server libraries (Exchsdk.lib) as outlined in the Development Environment section.
  2. Build installation-related samples. The process of building the samples is covered in the Samples section of the Exchange Programmer's Reference. The required applications are listed in the section that follows. Note that you can build all of the sample applications at once if you so desire.

Once this has been completed, you can proceed to install the sample gateway. First, it's is a good idea to create a separate "bin" (for binary) directory somewhere on your file system and then add it to your PATH environmental variable. This will be useful to keep all of the Exchange sample applications and DLLs separated from the rest on your system. One example would be something like c:\bin. When you finish building the sample executables and DLLs, you could then copy them all to this directory and they will be available for load, in the case of the DLL, or execution in the case of EXEs. In the example steps listed below it is assumed that the executables and DLLs appear somewhere in your current path.