Platform SDK: Exchange Server |
Attribute | Must | Description |
Activation-Schedule | The schedule used by the MTA or Gateway to determine when to connect. | |
Activation-Style | 0=Never Run / 1=Run at Selected Times / 2=Always Run/ 3=Remote Initiated | |
ADMD | Used by the MTA to determine if Internal Trace Information should be stripped. | |
Auth-Orig | Originator(s) from whom this recipient will accept mail from | |
Can-Preserve-DNs | ||
Common-Name | X | X.500 Common Name (RDN of this gateway) |
Computer-Name | The computer this gateway is running on | |
Connected-Domains | The list of other domains reached directly via this gateway | |
Country-Name | Used by the MTA to determine if Internal Trace Information should be stripped. | |
Deliv-Cont-Length | Maximum message size in K bytes. (0 = 0K bytes, Absent = No limit) | |
Deliv-EITs | Deliverable Encoded Information Types - for X.400 conversion | |
Deliv-Ext-Cont-Types | Deliverable External Content Types - For X.400 conversion | |
Delivery-Mechanism | X | Whether this gateway is of OSI, MDB or MT type. |
Diagnostic-reg-key | Path to the registry key where various diagnostic log keys/values exist | |
DL-Mem-Reject-Perms | The list DLs whose members cannot submit messages to this gateway | |
DL-Mem-Submit-Perms | The list DLs whose members can submit messages to this gateway | |
Encapsulation-Method | The default encapsulation instructions to be used for recipients out this GW | |
Export-Containers | DNs of where to look for entries to export | |
Export-Custom-Recipients | If TRUE, indicates that Remote-Address's don't get exported. | |
Home-MDB | The DN of the Message Store used by this gateway | |
Home-MTA | X | the MTA it's associated with |
Import-Container | DN of where to place imported entities | |
Import-Sensitivity | Sets the sensitivity level for all imported addresses | |
Line-Wrap | Specifies the Word-Wrap character position (0=don't wrap) | |
MDB-Backoff-Interval | Number of minutes MDB should wait when gateway queue is full | |
MDB-Msg-Time-Out-Period | Minutes a message may remain unread by a gateway before the MDB will non-deliver | |
MDB-Storage-Quota | The max storage this Gateway is allowed (0 = 0K bytes, Absent = No limit) | |
MDB-Unread-Limit | Max number of unread messages in queue before entering back-off Interval | |
PRMD | Used by the MTA to determine if Internal Trace Information should be stripped. | |
Replication-Sensitivity | ||
Routing-List | Address space associated with this gateway (Proxy Format) | |
Supported-Application-Context | Used by the MTA for such things as 84 versus 88 conformance | |
Transfer-Retry-Interval | X.400 - Number of seconds the MTA waits before re-sending a message (10min) | |
Transfer-Timeout-Non-Urgent | X.400 - Max transfer timeout (minutes) to transmit a Non-Urgent message | |
Transfer-Timeout-Normal | X.400 - Max transfer timeout (minutes) to transmit a Normal message | |
Transfer-Timeout-Urgent | X.400 - Max transfer timeout (minutes) to transmit a Urgent message | |
Translation-Table-Used | The DN of the translation table used. | |
Unauth-Orig | Originator(s) from whom this recipient will not accept mail. |