Platform SDK: Exchange Server


Class Information

Attribute Must Description
Association-Lifetime X.400 - Number of seconds an association is idle before it is removed (60)
Gateway-Local-Cred X.400 - Password the remote MTA must use when establishing a connection
Gateway-Local-Desig X.400 - Password the remote MTA must use when establishing a connection
Local-Initial-Turn Specifies if the initial turn on the association is local
MTA-Local-Cred X.400 - Override Password for the Local MTA
MTA-Local-Desig X.400 - Override Name for the Local MTA
N-Address X.400 - The N-Address portion of this Gateway's Presentation Address
N-Address-Type X.400 - If not specified, defaults to Network Address
Num-Of-Open-Retries X.400 - Number of times the MTA tries to establish a remote connection (20)
Num-Of-Transfer-Retries X.400 - Number of times the MTA tries to resend a block of data (20)
Open-Retry-Interval X.400 - Number of seconds the MTA will wait before trying to re-connect (60)
P-Selector X.400 - The P-Selector portion of this Gateway's Presentation Address
RTS-Checkpoint-Size X.400 - Size of data in K that is transferred in a block (1-4)
RTS-Recovery-Timeout X.400 - Max number of seconds before aborting recovery of a connection (10)
RTS-Window-Size X.400 - Number of Checkpoints sent before an ACK is expected
S-Selector X.400 - The S-Selector portion of this Gateway's Presentation Address
Session-Disconnect-Timer X.400 - Number of seconds the MTA waits for an ACK after a session disconnect
Supporting-Stack DN of the associated stack
T-Selector X.400 - The T-Selector portion of this Gateway's Presentation Address
Temp-Assoc-Threshold When the queued messages reaches this value, another association is started
Transport-Expedited-Data X.400 - Used only if supported on the other end of the connection
Turn-Request-Threshold Specifies how many comms can occur after request but before it's granted
Two-Way-Alternate-Facility Specifies if the inter-MTA association is to be two way alternate
X400-Attachment-Type Body part type to use for encoding attachments when sending to X.400 world
X400-Selector-Syntax Specifies the syntax of the P, S, & T selectors (0 or undefined=Hex, 1=Text)