Platform SDK: Exchange Server


Class Information

Attribute Must Description
Common-Name X Common Name For remote DXA
DXA-Append-ReqCN Append Requestor's CN to the Custom Recipient DN created.
DXA-Conf-Container-List List of containers from confirmed dirsync session
DXA-Conf-Seq-USN Confirmed seq num to USN mapping
DXA-Exchange-Options 0=None, 1=Send, 2=Receive & 3=Both
DXA-Export-Now TRUE=Do export at next connection, FALSE=Don't
DXA-Imp-Seq-USN Import seq num to USN mapping
DXA-Import-Now TRUE=Do import at next connection, FALSE=Don't
DXA-Local-Admin DN of the local admin of this foreign DXA
DXA-Native-Address-Type The Address Type to use for native EMS recipients when exporting
DXA-Password Two-way encrypted password to be used in the exchange.
DXA-Prev-Exchange-Options Previous value of exchange options
DXA-Prev-Export-Native-Only Previous value of export native only option
DXA-Prev-In-Exchange-Sensitivity The previous sensitivity level set for all imported addresses
DXA-Prev-Remote-Entries Previous value of remote entries
DXA-Prev-Replication-Sensitivity Specifies the Previous Sensitivity level used for this Remote-DXA
DXA-Prev-Template-Options Previous value of template options
DXA-Prev-Types Previous value of type
DXA-Recipient-CP The code page for the foreign system
DXA-Remote-Client X DN of the foreign DXA Daemon
DXA-Req-Seq-USN Requestor sequence num to USN mapping
DXA-ReqName Originating requestor name
DXA-Svr-Seq-USN Server seq num to USN mapping
DXA-Template-Options 0=None, 1=Incoming, 2=Outgoing & 3=Both
DXA-UnConf-Container-List List of containers from unconfirmed dirsync session
Export-Containers DNs of where to look for entries to export
Export-Custom-Recipients X If TRUE, indicates that Remote-Address's don't get exported.
Import-Container DN of where to place imported entities
Import-Sensitivity Sets the sensitivity level for all imported addresses
Replication-Sensitivity The sensitivity of this instance to replication beyond the local domain
Responsible-Local-DXA Specifies which Local-DXA is associated with this Remote-DXA