Platform SDK: Exchange Server


Class Information

Attribute Must Description
Address Street address of the Mailbox Owner
Address-Home Home Address
Assistant-Name Mailbox Assistant Display Name
Assoc-NT-Account The primary Microsoft Windows NT account associated with this Mailbox
Business-Roles The business roles associated with this mailbox (e.g. Expense approver)
Company Company of the Mailbox Owner
Delivery-Mechanism X The mechanism by which this mailbox receives mail e.g. Message Store, XAPI
Department The "Department" of this recipient.
DXA-Task Mailbox size limit after which messages can no longer be sent or received
Employee-Number Employee Number
Employee-Type Type of Employee
Enabled-Protocols Protocols enabled for this user
Folder-Pathname The OWA server to use for special message classes
Form-Data Outlook Web Access Form data for S+ access
Generation-Qualifier Generation Qualifier e.g. Sr., Jr., IV
Given-Name Specifies the first name (given name) of the Mailbox Owner
Help-Data32 Outlook Web Access Form data for S+ access
House-Identifier Building within a location
Initials User's Initials
Locality-Name The location/City of the user
Manager The "Manager" of this recipient.
MDB-Over-Quota-Limit The number of bytes allowed over quota before sending is prevented
MDB-Storage-Quota The max storage this Mailbox is allowed (0 = 0K bytes, Absent = No limit)
MDB-Use-Defaults TRUE=Use default values, FALSE=Don't!
OWA-Server Not Used!
Personal-Title Personal Title (Mr., Mrs., etc.)
Physical-Delivery-Office-Name Physical office number, for example "1/1061"
Postal-Code Postal/Zip Code
Public-Delegates The list of DNs of the Public Delegates that may access this mailbox.
State-Or-Province-Name The State or Province the user is located in
Street-Address Physical street address
Surname Specifies the last name (surname) of the Mailbox Owner
Telephone-Assistant Assistant phone
Telephone-Fax Fax Phone Number of the Mailbox Owner
Telephone-Home Home Phone Number of the Mailbox Owner
Telephone-Home-Fax Home Fax Number
Telephone-Home2 Second home telephone number.
Telephone-Mobile Cellular Phone Number of the Mailbox Owner
Telephone-Office1 Office Phone Number (1) of the Mailbox Owner
Telephone-Office2 Office Phone Number (2) of the Mailbox Owner
Telephone-Pager Pager Phone Number of the Mailbox Owner
Telephone-Personal-Mobile Personal Mobile Number
Telephone-Personal-Pager Personal Pager Number
Text-Country The country the user is located in
Title Business title of the Mailbox Owner