Platform SDK: Exchange Server


Class Information

Attribute Must Description
Company Mainly for AB View grouping
Delivery-Mechanism X The mechanism by which this folder receives mail - should always be MDB
Department Mainly for AB View grouping
Display-Name-Override TRUE = Display Name can be set by non-administrator, FALSE = it can't
DXA-Task Size limit after which messages can no longer be sent or received
Folder-Pathname Folder path in the directory. A user can view this to find a folder.
Locality-Name Mainly for AB View grouping
MDB-Over-Quota-Limit The number of bytes allowed over quota before... what?
MDB-Storage-Quota The max storage this Public Folder is allowed (0 = 0K bytes, Absent = No limit)
MDB-Use-Defaults TRUE=Use default values, FALSE=Do not use default values.
Moderated Whether the newsgroup is moderated.
Moderator E-mail alias of the newsgroup moderator.
Newsgroup Name of the newsgroup fed to this folder
PF-Contacts The DN of the Contact(s) of the folder
Physical-Delivery-Office-Name Mainly for AB View grouping
State-Or-Province-Name Mainly for AB View grouping
Text-Country Mainly for AB View grouping
Title Mainly for AB View grouping
Usenet-Site-Name Name of the local Usenet site from which this folder is fed messages