Platform SDK: Exchange Server


Class Information

Attribute Must Description
Auxiliary-Class Classes from which attributes are inherited.
Common-Name X RDN string for DSA use only, e.g. "Class 2-5-5-3"
Governs-ID X The class of object that this record governs
LDAP-Display-Name LDAP display Name for the object class
MAPI-Display-Type The MAPI Display Type of the object class e.g. User, DL, Folder
May-Contain A list of optional attributes for this class (OIDs)
Must-Contain A list of required attributes for this class (OIDs)
Object-Class-Category X 0=88 Class, 1=Abstract Class, 2=Structural Class & 3=Auxiliary Class
Poss-Superiors The list of possible superior object classes defining DIT structure
RDN-Att-ID X The naming attribute for this class (OID)
Schema-Flags The flags for the object class (replicate to other site or not etc.)
Sub-Class-Of X The parent object class of the governsId class