Platform SDK: Exchange Server


This syntax is used for string-valued attributes where lower-case and upper-case letters are considered equal for comparisons (e.g. "DUNDEE" and "Dundee" match). Strings stored with this syntax retain their upper- and lower-case letters; only the matching rule is different. It corresponds to X.500's Case-Ignore-String-Syntax.

Value checking

The DS will accept any contents for an IA5 string; it will not attempt to verify that they are indeed printable. Nor will it actually perform a case conversion: as specified by X.500, it will store values as supplied without upper-casing or lower casing them. Individual attribute types may associate a minimum and maximum size with any string, and those size limits are enforced; any value outside the legal size range will not be accepted.

    OM SYNTAX: String (IA5)


    ::= { ms-AttributeSyntax 4 }