Platform SDK: Exchange Server

Adding Menus

To add a menu to the Schedule+ menu bar, add the following line to your SCHDPLUS.INI file or registry:

tag=version;menu to precede;new menu;reserved;command string;status bar text;help file;help id

The following table describes the parameters used in the syntax line.

Parameter Description
tag Identifies the command in the SCHDPLUS.INI file or registry, but serves no other purpose.
version Specifies the Schedule+ version number with which the command is compatible.
menu to precede Specifies a path to an existing menu item. The new menu item is added before the menu specified by this path. The menu name is case-insensitive. Ampersands are ignored. Commas should be used to specify the path to the menu. For example, the path Edit,Undo specifies the path to the Undo command on the Edit menu. To specify an absolute menu position, use # followed by the absolute number for the position. If -1 is specified for the position, the new menu will be added at the end of the specified menu.
new menu Specifies the name of the menu to be added to the menu bar. You can include an ampersand (&) before the letter that is to serve as an ALT-key shortcut. If no name is provided, a separator will be added to the menu.
reserved Reserved for future use and should be left blank.
command string Specifies the command line needed to start the custom program.
status bar text Contains text to be displayed in the Schedule+ status bar when the menu is selected.
help file Specifies the Help file path to be invoked when the user presses F1 while the command is selected. This path is passed to the Windows Help program.
help id Identifies the help identifier passed to the Windows Help program along with the Help file name. Use -1 if there is no specific entry in the Help file for this command.

The following line creates a new menu:

NewMenu=7.0;help;Sample;;;Status for sample;helpfile.hlp;0

The following line creates a new command on a menu:

NewCommand = 7.0;Sample,#-1;Schedule+ Ini;;notepad schdplus.ini;Edit Schedule+ Ini file;;0 

The following line creates a separator bar on a menu:


Note  On Windows NT Server and Windows 95, the text specified for the tag parameter maps to the registry value Name. The remaining text maps to the value Data. For example, in the last preceding sample entry, the value Name is Separator, and the value Data contains 7.0;Sample,#-1;;;;;;.