Platform SDK: Exchange Server

Logging on to Schedule+

An application should log on to Schedule+ before performing any other tasks. If Schedule+ is running in group-enabled mode, the application must also log on to a MAPI session to be able to create meetings, modify access privileges, and so on.

Your application should follow the procedures shown here:

To log on to Schedule+

  1. Log on to a MAPI session.
  2. Get the user’s schedule.

To log off Schedule+

  1. Log off the MAPI session.
  2. Release the objects.

The following sample code shows a typical initialization and deinitialization:

Dim objSession As Object
Dim objApp As Object
Dim objSched As Object

'Log on to a MAPI session.
Set objSession = CreateObject ("MAPI.Session")

'Get the user's schedule.
Set objApp = CreateObject ("SchedulePlus.Application")
Set objSched = objApp.ScheduleLogged

'Log off the MAPI session.

'Release the objects.
Set objSession = Nothing
Set objApp = Nothing
Set objSched = Nothing