Platform SDK: Exchange Server

Contact Object

The Contact object represents a single contact in the Contacts table and has the following properties.

Property Description
AccessActual Overrides the current access control list (ACL) level to mark the item private.
AccessEffective ACL level granted to the user viewing an item.
AddressBusiness Contact's business street address.
AddressHome Contact's home street address.
AnniversaryItemId Item identifier for the anniversary of an item in the RecurringEvents table.
Assistant Assistant for an item.
BirthdayItemId Item identifier for the birthday of an item in the RecurringEvents table.
CityBusiness City for the contact's business address.
CityHome City for the contact's home address.
Company Company.
CountryBusiness Country for the business address.
CountryHome Country for the home address.
ChangeNumber Change number for the schedule.
Created Date and time at which an object was created.
CreatorEntryId MAPI entry identifier for an item's creator.
CreatorName MAPI display name of an item's creator.
CreatorSearchKey MAPI search key for an item's creator.
CurrentAddress Contact's home address. Reserved for the Schedule+ user interface.
CurrentBusinessAddress Business address.
CurrentBusinessPhone1 Business phone.
CurrentBusinessPhone2 Second business phone.
CurrentCardviewBusinessPhone1 First business phone number in card view.
CurrentCardviewBusinessPhone2 Second business phone number in card view.
CurrentCardviewHomeAddress Home address in card view.
CurrentCardviewHomePhone1 First home phone number in card view.
CurrentCardviewHomePhone2 Second home phone number in card view.
CurrentPhone1 First phone number.
CurrentPhone2 Second phone number.
DefaultBusinessPhone1 First default business phone type.
DefaultBusinessPhone2 Second default business phone type.
Department Department name.
ExportToWatch Boolean value indicating that information about the contact should be exported to the Timex Data Link watch.
ExportToWatchPhones Combination of flags indicating which of the contact's telephone numbers should be exported to the Timex Data Link watch.
FirstName First name for an item.
ItemId Item identifier for an object.
JobTitle Job title.
LastModified Date and time at which the object was last modified.
LastName Last name for an item.
Notes Notes on an item.
Office Office location.
PhoneAssistant Phone number of the assistant.
PhoneBusiness First business phone number.
PhoneBusiness2 Second business phone number.
PhoneFax Fax phone number.
PhoneHome Home phone number.
PhoneHome2 Second home phone number.
PhoneMobile Mobile phone number.
PhonePager Pager phone number.
Spouse Name of the contact's spouse.
StateBusiness State or province of the business address.
StateHome State or province of the home address.
User1 User-defined string (only exposed in contacts).
User2 User-defined string (only exposed in contacts).
User3 User-defined string (only exposed in contacts).
User4 User-defined string (only exposed in contacts).
ZipCodeBusiness Postal or zip code of the contact's business street address.
ZipCodeHome Postal or zip code of the contact's home street address.

The Contact object has the following data members.

Data Member Description
Application Returns an Application object.
Parent Returns to an object's parent.
Properties Returns the number of properties defined for an object.

The Contact object has the following methods.

Method Description
DeleteProperties Deletes a specified property.
Flush Removes properties that have been changed.
GetProperties Gets the value of one or more specified properties.
GetProperty Gets the value of a specified property for Visual Basic version 3.0.
SetProperties Sets the value of one or more properties.