Platform SDK: Exchange Server


The GetProperties method gets the values of one or more specified properties.

Applies To

Schedule and all Item objects


objContact.GetProperties (Arg1, Arg2, ..., ArgN)


Arg1, …, ArgN
Specifies the names of properties to get.


Variant array


The variant array is two-dimensional with only one row containing the values of properties specified as parameters. You can include any number of properties defined for an object and specify them in any order.

It is faster to call the GetProperties method with multiple arguments on an object than to call the GetProperty method multiple times. For example:

Dim As Variant
arr = array (1,2)
arr = objContact.GetPropeties ("FirstName", "LastName")
Debug.Print arr (0,0), arr (0,1)

Note  This method does not work with Visual Basic version 3.0. You must use the GetProperty method instead.

See Also
