Platform SDK: Exchange Server


The ADMIN_ExtensionFunction structure contains pointers to functions within the Administrator extension DLL that can be called by the Microsoft Exchange Server Administrator program.

Quick Info

Header file: ADMINEXT.H

typedef struct
  int                        nAPIVersion;
  PADMIN_InstallExtension    pfnInstallExtension;
  PADMIN_DeinstallExtension  pfnDeinstallExtension;
  PADMIN_InitSheet           pfnInitSheet;
  PADMIN_ShowPage            pfnShowPage;
  PADMIN_StartPage           pfnStartPage;
  PADMIN_HasHelp             pfnHasHelp;
  PADMIN_DoHelp              pfnDoHelp;
  PADMIN_SaveData            pfnSaveData;
  PADMIN_CommitData          pfnCommitData;
  PADMIN_DeinitSheet         pfnDeinitSheet;
}  ADMIN_ExtensionFunction;

The pointers in this structure (except pfnInitSheet) can be NULL. If a pointer is NULL, no call is made.


The version number of the API.
Points to a function that installs the gateway or mailbox agent. For additional information, see the InstallExtensionProc function prototype.
Points to a function that deinstalls the gateway or mailbox agent. For additional information, see the DeinstallExtensionProc function prototype.
Points to a function that initializes the extension's property page structures. For additional information, see the InitSheetProc function prototype.
Points to a function that indicates whether a property page should be displayed. For additional information, see the ShowPageProc function prototype.
Points to a function that returns the first property page of the property sheet the extension wants displayed. For additional information, see the StartPageProc function prototype.
Points to a function that indicates whether the extension supports a Help file. For additional information, see the HasHelpProc function prototype.
Points to a function that is called when the user requests Help information from within the extension's property page. For additional information, see the DoHelpProc function prototype.
Points to a function that is called when data that has been changed within a property page is to be validated. For additional information, see the SaveDataProc function prototype.
Points to a function that is called when data that has been changed within a property page is to be committed to the Microsoft Exchange Server directory. For additional information, see the CommitDataProc function prototype.
Points to a function that is called when the Administrator extension DLL is about to be closed. This enables the extension DLL to free its resources. For additional information, see the DeinitSheetProc function prototype.


The ADMIN_ExtensionFunction structure is passed as a parameter to the Admin_Initialize function, which initiates handshaking between the Administrator program and the Administrator extension DLL.

For additional information on this structure, see Initializing Connections with ADMIN_Initialize.

See Also
