Platform SDK: Exchange Server

Programming Tasks

This section provides a reference list of programming tasks covered in the Microsoft Exchange Server Programmer's Guide. Tasks are arranged by general programming area. Click a topic to view its complete task description.

Improving Application Performance

Using the Performance Monitor

Checking Disk I/O with FERNEL32

Checking Network I/O

Profiling Your Application's Performance

Using MAPI Call Traces

Building Applications

Setting Up Visual Studio and Visual C++

Building the Exchange Libraries

Building the COM Components

Debugging Applications

Connecting the Debugger to a Running Service

Using a Debug Version of MAPI

Using the Message Store Viewer

Working with Objects in the Microsoft Exchange Server Directory

Adding an Application Object

Adding an Object to the Directory

Finding an Object in the Directory

Importing and Manipulating Objects

Working with Microsoft Exchange Server Information Stores

Tasks Involving Information Stores

Opening an Information Store

Opening a Public Information Store

Opening a Private Information Store

Locating an Information Store

Determining the Type of Information Store

Tasks Involving Folders

Creating a Folder

Opening Special Folders

Opening the Inbox

Opening an Existing Private or Personal Folder

Opening an Existing Public Folder

Opening the Favorites Folder

Adding a Public Folder to Favorites

Deleting a Public Folder from Favorites

Reading ACLs

Modifying ACLs

Adding a New ACL Member

Creating a Rule

Reading Rule Contents

Modifying Rules

Using OLE Documents

Reading Messages in a Folder

Tasks Involving Mailboxes

Logging On to Mailboxes

Running an Application as a Privileged Service

Logging On to a Mailbox as a Privileged Service

Logging On to a Mailbox Using the IExchangeManageStore Interface

Tasks Involving Messages

Creating a Message

Creating and Posting a Message

Adding Custom Properties to a Message

Sending a Message

Working with Text in Rich Text Format

Tasks Involving Properties

Saving ANSI Text as a Message Property in RTF

Saving RTF Text as a Message Property in RTF

Retrieving ANSI Text from a Message Property in RTF

Tasks Involving ACLs

Reading ACLs

Modifying ACLs

Adding a New ACL Member

Tasks Involving Rules

Creating a Rule

Reading Rule Contents

Modifying Rules

Tasks Involving Backup and Restore

Backing Up Directory or Information-Store Data

Restoring Directory or Information-Store Data

Working with Forms

Installing Forms into the Organization Forms Library

Extending the Microsoft Exchange Server Administrator Program

Storing and Accessing Configuration Information

Designing Property Pages

Creating an Administrator Extension DLL

Initializing the Administrator Extension DLL

Inhibiting Standard Property Pages

Completing the Administrator Extension DLL

Modifying Extension Data

Creating Online Help

Creating Setup Programs

Creating a Complete Setup Program

Installing an Application as a Service

Installing an Admin-Extension Object

Installing Performance Monitoring

Installing Applications with Server and Client Components

Removing a Server Application

Running Sample Applications

ACLASP: Modifying ACLs from an ASP Application

ADDRINST: Installing an Addr-Type Object

AEditor: Managing Agents and Routing Maps

BACKTEST: Creating Backup Files

CFGCODE: Generating a Packed Property Structure

DIRSYNC: Importing and Exporting Mailboxes

DLUpdate: Managing Distribution Lists from an ASP Application

DSEXPORT: Exporting Directory Objects

DSIMPORT: Importing Directory Objects

EXTDATVW: Viewing and Editing Extension Data

FIMPORT: Importing Folder Information

ICSAgentWizard: Incremental Change Synchronization Agent Wizard

INSTFORM: Installing a Sample Form

Mailbox: Managing Mailboxes from an ASP Application

MBLSAMPL: Accessing Mailboxes

MBXSERV: Viewing Messages in a Mailbox

POPPST: Creating a Customized Information Store

PROFINST: Installing a MAPI Profile

RPTDRIV: Monitoring Message Delivery

CRARUN: Creating a Custom Rule Action

RULEASP: Modifying Rules from an ASP Application

SERVINST: Installing a Service

Suggest: A Custom Exchange Event Handler

TOOLFORM: Creating a C or C++ Form

TRACK: Tracking and Auditing Messages