Platform SDK: Exchange 2000 Server

CdoTimeZoneId Enum

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The CdoTimeZoneID enumeration identifies the client's time zone used to display appointment times. All appointments are stored in the Exchange store in UTC and are converted by the client program to the appropriate time zone. If a valid time zone is specified, CDO converts appointments to the correct local time.

Name Value Description
cdoUTC 0 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
cdoGMT 1 Greenwich Mean Time (same as UTC)
cdoLisbon 2 Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London (UTC + 0:00)
cdoParis 3 Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris, Vilnius (UTC + 1:00)
cdoBerlin 4 Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna (UTC + 1:00)
cdoEasternEurope 5 Eastern Europe (UTC + 2:00)
cdoPrague 6 Belgrade, Bratislava, Budapest, Ljubljana, Prague (UTC + 1:00)
cdoAthens 7 Athens, Instanbul, Minsk (UTC + 2:00)
cdoBrasilia 8 Brasilia (UTC - 3:00)
cdoAtlanticCanada 9 Atlantic time (UTC - 4:00)
cdoEastern 10 Eastern time (UTC - 5:00)
cdoCentral 11 Central time (UTC - 6:00)
cdoMountain 12 Mountain time (UTC - 7:00)
cdoPacific 13 Pacific time (UTC - 8:00)
cdoAlaska 14 Alaska (UTC - 9:00)
cdoHawaii 15 Hawaii (UTC - 10:00)
cdoMidwayIsland 16 Midway Island, Samoa (UTC - 11:00)
cdoWellington 17 Auckland, Wellington (UTC + 12:00)
cdoBrisbane 18 Brisbane (UTC + 10:00)
cdoAdelaide 19 Adelaide (UTC + 9:30)
cdoTokyo 20 Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo (UTC + 9:00)
cdoHongKong 21 Hong Kong (UTC + 8:00)
cdoBangkok 22 Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta (UTC + 7:00)
cdoBombay 23 Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, New Delhi (UTC + 5:30)
cdoAbuDhabi 24 Abu Dhabi, Muscat (UTC + 4:00)
cdoTehran 25 Tehran (UTC + 3:30)
cdoBaghdad 26 Baghdad, Kuwait, Riyadh (UTC + 3:00)
cdoIsrael 27 Israel (UTC + 2:00)
cdoNewfoundland 28 Newfoundland (UTC - 3:30)
cdoAzores 29 Azores, Cape Verde Islands (UTC - 1:00)
cdoMidAtlantic 30 Mid Atlantic (UTC - 2:00)
cdoMonrovia 31 Casablanca, Monrovia (UTC + 0:00)
cdoBuenosAires 32 Buenos Aires, Georgetown (UTC - 3:00)
cdoCaracas 33 Caracas, La Paz (UTC - 4:00)
cdoIndiana 34 Indiana (UTC - 5:00)
cdoBogota 35 Bogota, Lima, Quito (UTC - 5:00)
cdoSaskatchewan 36 Saskatchewan (UTC - 6:00)
cdoMexicoCity 37 Mexico City, Tegucigalpa (UTC - 6:00)
cdoArizona 38 Arizona (UTC - 7:00)
cdoEniwetok 39 Eniwetok, Kwajalein (UTC - 12:00)
cdoFiji 40 Fiji, Kamchatka, Marchall Islands (UTC + 12:00)
cdoMagadan 41 Magadan, Solomon Islands, New Caledonia (UTC + 11:00)
cdoHobart 42 Hobart (UTC + 10:00)
cdoGuam 43 Guam, Port Moresby (UTC + 10:00)
cdoDarwin 44 Darwin (UTC + 9:30)
cdoBeijing 45 Beijing, Chongqing, Urumqi, (UTC + 8:00)
cdoAlmaty 46 Akmola, Almaty, Dhaka (UTC + 6:00)
cdoIslamabad 47 Islamabad, Karachi, Tashkent (UTC + 5:00)
cdoKabul 48 Kabul (UTC + 4:30)
cdoCairo 49 Cairo (UTC + 2:00)
cdoHarare 50 Harare, Pretoria (UTC + 2:00)
cdoMoscow 51 Moscow, St. Petersburg, Volgograd (UTC + 3:00)
cdoInvalidTimeZone 52 Invalid time zone