Platform SDK: Exchange 2000 Server

Creating a Mailbox-Enabled Recipient

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The following example creates a new recipient and an accompanying mailbox. The IMailboxStore interface is aggregated onto the Person object. This allows the person information to be used when creating the mailbox.

Example (CDOEXM)

Create a mailbox for a mail recipient.

[Visual Basic]
Sub CDOCreateMailBoxRecipient(ServerName As String, _
                              DomainName As String, _
                              emailname As String, _
                              FirstName As String, _
                              LastName As String)
'ServerName is something like "MyServer6"
'DomainName is something like "DC=MYDOMAIN3,DC=microsoft,DC=com"
'emailname is something like "jamessmith"

'this assumes the MDB to be "Private MDB"

Dim objPerson As New CDO.Person
Dim objMailbox As CDOEXM.IMailboxStore

objPerson.FirstName = FirstName
objPerson.LastName = LastName
objPerson.Fields("userPrincipalName") = LastName
objPerson.Fields("userAccountControl") = 512
objPerson.Fields("userPassword") = "password"
objPerson.DataSource.SaveTo "LDAP://" + ServerName + _
                            "/CN=" + emailname + _
                            ",CN=users," + DomainName

Set objMailbox = objPerson
objMailbox.CreateMailbox "LDAP://" + ServerName + _
                         "/CN=Private MDB" + _
                         ",CN=First Storage Group,CN=InformationStore,CN=" + _
                         ServerName + _
                         ",CN=Servers,CN=First Administrative Group," + _
                         "CN=Administrative Groups,CN=First Organization," + _
                         "CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services," + _
                         "CN=Configuration," + DomainName


End Sub