Platform SDK: Exchange 2000 Server

Exception CoClass

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

Defines an exception in the schedule for a recurring meeting.

Not applicable
Not applicable
Type Library
Microsoft CDO for Microsoft Exchange Library
Inproc Server
Threading Model

Implemented Interfaces


Supported IDataSource Bindings



Exceptions are defined after a RecurrencePattern object has created a recurring meeting. An Exception object obtains an individual exception contained within the Exceptions collection available on an Appointment object. You can create as many exceptions as necessary to accommodate your schedule.


This code example adds to the code example for the RecurrencePattern object.

[Visual Basic]
Sub RecurringMeetingRequest()
  Dim myAppt As New CDO.Appointment
  Dim RecPat As CDO.RecurrencePattern
  Dim myEx As CDO.Exception
  Dim iAttendee  As Attendee

  'Create the recurring appointment
  With myAppt
    .Subject = "Investment Reviews"
    .StartTime = "1/6/99 10:30AM"
    .EndTime = "1/6/99 11:30AM"
    .Location = "Skybridge Atrium"
    Set iAttendee = myAppt.Attendees.Add
    iAttendee.Address = "someone@" & DomainName
    iAttendee.Role = cdoRequiredParticipant
    Set RecPat = .RecurrencePatterns.Add("ADD")
    RecPat.Frequency = cdoFrequencyWeekly
    RecPat.Occurences = 10
  End With

  'Now add an exception
   Set myEx = myAppt.Exceptions.Add("MODIFY")
   With myEx

     'Identify the recurring appt with the recurrenceID
     'that is the start time of the recurring appointment
     'for a particular day
     .RecurrenceID = "1/6/99 10:30AM"

     'Set the exception start and end times
     .StartTime = "1/6/99 3:00PM"
     .EndTime = "1/6/99 4:00PM"

  End With
 End Sub