Platform SDK: Exchange 2000 Server

AmbiguousNames Property

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

A reference to an Addressees collection containing all addressees that matched the ambiguous criteria used to resolve a particular addressee.

[Visual Basic,VBScript]
Property AmbiguousNames as IAddressees
HRESULT get_AmbigiousNames IAddressees** pVal);
HRESULT [propget] AmbiguousNames([out,retval] IAddressees** pVal);


When you attempt to resolve an addressee to an LDAP object using IAddressee::DisplayName only, there may be more than one object in the directory that matches the name. In such cases, an Addressees collection is populated with each object that matches the ambiguous criteria. For example, you may set the IAddressee::DisplayName property to "John Doe" and call IAddressee::CheckName. In fact, there may be three directory objects that match this display name. In this case, the IAddressee::ResolvedStatus property would be equal to the cdoAmbiguous (2) enumerated value, and the IAddressee::AmbiguousNames collection would contain three Addressee objects. You could then use this information with an interactive user, prompting them to select the intended addressee from the list of the addressees.


[Visual Basic,VBScript]
Dim iAddree as New CDO.Addressee
Dim iAddrees as New CDO.Addressees

iAddree.displayName = "John Doe"

If iAddree.ResolvedStatus = cdoAmbiguous Then
  Iaddrees = iAddree.AmbiguousNames
End If