Platform SDK: Exchange 2000 Server

GetFreeBusy Method

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

Gets the free/busy information for a resolved addressee.

[Visual Basic,VBScript]
Sub GetFreeBusy(
  StartTime As Date,
  EndTime As Date,
  Interval As Long) As String
HRESULT GetFreeBusy(
DATE StartTime,
DATE EndTime,
long Interval,
BSTR* pbstrRet
HRESULT GetFreeBusy(
[in] DATE StartTime,
[in] DATE EndTime,
[in] long Interval,
[out, retval] BSTR* pbstrRet
The starting time of the range to determine free/busy status.
The ending time of the range to determine free/busy status.
The interval, in minutes, of the free/busy time to download. Must be greater than or equal to one minute.
pbstrRet [C++,IDL]
On successful return, a BSTR containing the free/busy results for the period and interval specified.


The GetFreeBusy method returns the status for the free/busy time slots between the StartTime and EndTime parameters.