Platform SDK: Exchange 2000 Server

ResolvedStatus Property

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

Indicates the resolution status of this addressee.

[Visual Basic,VBScript]
Property ResolvedStatus as CdoResolvedStatus
HRESULT get_ResolvedStatus(CdoResolvedStatus* pVal);
HRESULT put_ResolvedStatus(CdoResolvedStatus Val);
HRESULT [propget] ResolvedStatus([out,retval] CdoResolvedStatus*);
HRESULT [propput] ResolvedStatus([in] CdoResolvedStats Val);


The Addressee object (that exposes the IAddressee interface) can be in one of three possible resolution states defined by the CdoResolvedStatus enumeration.

CdoResolvedStatus Enum

Name Value Description
cdoUnresolved 0 The addressee has not been successfully resolved, meaning that the corresponding directory object has not been identified.
cdoResolved 1 The addressee's directory object has successfully been located, and the addressee is considered resolved.
cdoAmbiguous 2 A previous attempt to resolve the addressee—that is, locate the corresponding directory object—resulted in multiple matches. The search criteria was ambiguous, and multiple directory objects that match this criteria have been found and are present in the AmbiguousNames Recordset.

When you first create an instance of the Addressee COM class, its state is said to be unresolved (cdoUnresolved). Once you have specified information such as a display name, directory URL, or e-mail address, you can call IAddressee::CheckName to attempt to resolve the addressee and thereby locate the addressee's directory object. If the object is located, and uniquely matches the specified criteria, the object enters the resolved state (cdoResolved). If multiple directory objects match the criteria, the object enters the ambiguous state (cdoAmbiguous). When in this state, the IAddressee::AmbiguousNames recordset contains information about each object that matched the criteria for the resolution attempt.