Platform SDK: Exchange 2000 Server |
[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]
Prepares and returns a CalendarMessage object for canceling a meeting. You can also remove specific attendees without canceling the entire meeting.
[Visual Basic,VBScript] Function Cancel( [EmailList As String], [CleanupCalendar As Boolean], [UserName As String], [Password As String] ) As ICalendarMessage [C++] HRESULT Cancel( [BSTR EmailList,] [VARIANT_BOOL CleanupCalendar,] [BSTR UserName,] [BSTR Password,] ICalendarMessage** pVal); [IDL] HRESULT Cancel( [in, optional] BSTR EmailList, [in, optional] VARIANT_BOOL CleanupCalendar [in, optional] BSTR UserName [in, optional] BSTR Password [out,retval] ICalendarMessage** pVal );
To cancel the appointment for all attendees, specify the EmailList value as an empty string (string = "").