Platform SDK: Exchange 2000 Server

Decline Method

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

Prepares and returns a CalendarMessage object for declining a meeting request.

[Visual Basic,VBScript]
Function Decline(
  [CleanupCalendar As Boolean],
  [UserName As String],
  [Password As String]
  ) As ICalendarMessage
HRESULT Decline(
  [VARIANT_BOOL CleanupCalendar,]
  [BSTR UserName,]
  [BSTR Password,]
  ICalendarMessage** pVal);
HRESULT Decline(
  [in, optional] VARIANT_BOOL CleanupCalendar
  [in, optional] BSTR UserName
  [in, optional] BSTR Password
  [out,retval] ICalendarMessage** pVal);
When TRUE, the meeting being canceled is deleted from the calendar folder. When FALSE, the meeting is marked canceled but is not actually deleted.
The user name of the owner of the calendar. This value is required when CleanupCalendar is TRUE.
The password of the owner of the calendar. This value is required when CleanupCalendar is TRUE.
