Platform SDK: Exchange 2000 Server

Fields Property

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The property collection for the object.

[Visual Basic,VBScript]
Property Fields as ADODB.Fields
HRESULT get_Fields(Fields** pVal);
HRESULT [propget] Fields([out,retval] Fields** pVal);


The properties for the item are stored in an ADO Fields collection object. Each Field object holds a name/value pair defining some property of the item. The name is always a string, and the value is a VARIANT. The subtype of the VARIANT depends on the schema definition for the name. See the appropriate schema fields section of the reference for a list of valid fields to use along with a list of the various VARIANT subtypes for each field.

Many fields available in this collection can be set or retrieved using a corresponding property on the IItem interface.

The fields used in this collection depend upon the specific implementation. Consult the appropriate COM class or DAV:contentclass value for details about available fields.