Platform SDK: Exchange 2000 Server

Keywords Property

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

A list of keywords for this message.

[Visual Basic]
Property Keywords as String
HRESULT get_KeyWords(BSTR* pVal);
HRESULT put_KeyWords(BSTR Val);
HRESULT [propget] Keywords([out,retval] BSTR* pVal);
HRESULT [propput] Keywords([in] BSTR Val);


This property is also available as the urn:schemas:mailheader:keywords field.

A message's keywords can be useful in determining if the message is of interest to the reader, or in searching for relevant messages in a collection.

The string in the Keywords property can represent a single keyword or multiple keywords. A keyword string can optionally contain spaces:

"1997 payroll" 

Multiple keywords in the list are separated by commas:

operating systems, Windows NT, functions

Because the comma is this field's delimiter, a keyword cannot contain a comma. Attempting to add a keyword having a comma will result in two keywords, separated by the comma.

The selection of keywords is at the discretion of the messaging users that post and read the message.

The default value of Keywords is an empty string.

See Also
