Platform SDK: Exchange 2000 Server

GetVCardStream Method

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

Returns an ADO Stream object containing VCard stream information about the contact.

[Visual Basic,VBScript]
Function GetDecodedContentStream( ) as ADODB.Stream
HRESULT GetDecodedContentStream( _Stream** Stream);
HRESULT GetDecodedContentStream([out,retval] _Stream** Stream);
If the method succeeds, then on return, the address passed holds a reference to the _Stream interface.


Use this method to share contact information with other PIM or contact applications that can parse VCard content.


[Visual Basic]
Dim oPer as New CDO.Person
Dim strm as New ADODB.Stream

'assume strURL is a valid URL to a person contact item
oPer.DataSource.Open strURL

'you can set the ADO Stream object to the returned VCard stream
Set strm = oPer.GetVCardStream

'save the stream to a file
strm.SaveToFile "d:\vcard.txt", adSaveCreateOverwrite

'you don't have to set a Stream object,
'just use the Stream methods off GetVCardStrem directly
oPer.GetVcardStream.SaveToFile "d:\vcard.txt", adSaveCreateOverwrite