Platform SDK: Exchange 2000 Server |
[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]
Returns an ADO Stream object containing VCard stream information about the contact.
[Visual Basic,VBScript] Function GetDecodedContentStream( ) as ADODB.Stream [C++] HRESULT GetDecodedContentStream( _Stream** Stream); [IDL] HRESULT GetDecodedContentStream([out,retval] _Stream** Stream);
Use this method to share contact information with other PIM or contact applications that can parse VCard content.
Dim oPer as New CDO.Person Dim strm as New ADODB.Stream 'assume strURL is a valid URL to a person contact item oPer.DataSource.Open strURL 'you can set the ADO Stream object to the returned VCard stream Set strm = oPer.GetVCardStream 'save the stream to a file strm.SaveToFile "d:\vcard.txt", adSaveCreateOverwrite 'you don't have to set a Stream object, 'just use the Stream methods off GetVCardStrem directly oPer.GetVcardStream.SaveToFile "d:\vcard.txt", adSaveCreateOverwrite