Platform SDK: Exchange 2000 Server |
[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]
Returns the IDataSource interface on the object.
[Visual Basic,VBScript] Public Property DataSource as IDataSource read-only [C++] HRESULT get_DataSource(IDataSource** pVal); [IDL] HRESULT [propget] DataSource([out,retval] IDataSource** pVal);
This property returns the IDataSource interface on the object.
With Microsoft® Visual Basic® Scripting Edition (VBScript) you cannot omit certain optional parameters when accessing IDataSource methods, such as SaveTo and Open. When a second argument is a _Connection interface, it must be explicitly set to 'Nothing'. If you get a run-time 'Type Mismatch' error when using IDataSource::SaveTo or IDataSource::Open, then set the second argument to 'Nothing'.