Platform SDK: Exchange 2000 Server

DisableSuccessEntries Method

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

Allows the user to configure entry types for the AuditTrail.

[Visual Basic,VBScript]
Sub DisableSuccessEntries(bDisable As Boolean)
HRESULT DisableSuccessEntries(VARIANT_BOOL bDisable);
HRESULT DisableSuccessEntries([in] VARIANT_BOOL bDisable);


You can configure the audit trail provider to not log success entries to the audit trail using the "" property with the "OnSyncSave;OnSyncDelete" event registration item. Setting this property to "TRUE" disables success entries.

If you are an advanced developer, you can accomplish the same thing using the DisableSuccessEntries() method by passing in a VARIANT_TRUE parameter. This assumes you are writing your own event sink and have already created a ProcessInstance object.


This example shows the event registration for "OnSyncSave;OnSyncDelete". You set the raw "" Web Store property in this registration event record.

[Visual Basic]

See Also
