Platform SDK: Exchange 2000 Server

ProcessDefinition Property

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

Returns a pointer to the ProcessDefinition for a ProcessInstance.


[Visual Basic,VBScript]
Property ProcessDefinition As ProcessDefinition
HRESULT ProcessDefinition(IProcessDefinition** varProcessDefinition);
HRESULT ProcessDefinition([out, retval] IProcessDefinition** varProcessDefinition);



The workflow engine checks the ProcessDefinitionURL on a new ProcessInstance. If the item has no ProcessDefinitionURL, the engine checks the ProcessDefinition property, on the ProcessInstance, for a value. If it finds none, it uses the default ProcessDefinition to start a new workflow. If it finds a ProcessDefinition on the ProcessInstance, the workflow engine checks the CdoWfAdhocFlows flag for the OnSyncSave registration item in the workflow folder. Set the CdoWfAdhocFlows flag to 'OnlyAdhocFlows' (2) or 'PermitAdhocFlows' (1) in the OnSyncSave registration item for this property to work.

See Also

CdoWfAdhocFlows Enum

Registering Workflow Event Sink
